Bias, tanning, Ukraine, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Sex and racial bias in cardiac care: “In order for physicians to be advocates for their patients we need to confront these biases that can lead to worse medical outcomes for our patients. Systemic and societal issue are of … [Read more...]

Bias, warps, misfolds, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Evidence on acupuncture therapies is underused in clinical practice and health policy: “It has been shown repeatedly that acupuncture studies originating from China never show negative findings, strongly suggesting one or more sources of bias… Recently, the Beijing Municipal Science and … [Read more...]

Unmasking, bias, hype, and more…

FSM News and Articles

How faulty PPE unmasked our health watchdog’s approvals process: “The TGA is meant to ensure that those who make and sell the vitamins, potions and herbal cures you can buy at pharmacies do not make wild, inaccurate and counter-scientific claims … [Read more...]

Long COVID, shedding, concussion, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Long COVID: “This is not a small problem. It is important to include long COVID when we consider the toll of this pandemic. Much reporting focuses on the death toll, which of course is the worst outcome, but when considering … [Read more...]

Activewear, pangolins, repurposing, and more…

FSM News and Articles

The Therapeutic Goods Administration must do better: “Almost 2 years after complaints about numerous hangover products were submitted to the TGA they have finally published one outcome. The TGA agreed there was insufficient evidence to support claims related to hangover relief.”… [Read more...]

Coronavirus, diets, language, and more…


Wash your damn handsA guide to hand washing in the setting of COVID-19.

Just how contagious is COVID-19? This chart puts it in perspective: With so much fear and misinformation about COVID-19 going about, it’s good to put things in perspective. Here … [Read more...]

Mushrooms, Evidence, Smart Watches, and more…

FSM News and Articles

University under fire for mushrooms claim after sponsor revealed: “An Australian university has come under fire for spruiking a study into the supposed immune-boosting powers of mushrooms – without revealing it was sponsored by a company that sells mushroom-based immune-boosters.” More … [Read more...]

Regulations, awards, defending naturopathy, and more…

FSM News and Articles

How are vitamins and supplements regulated? SBS Insight discusses the supplements industry. Our president, Dr Ken Harvey, is in full swing challenging the lack of evidence and poor consumer protection in the industry.

Italo-Australian scientist Marcello Costa appointed “Cavaliere” [Read more...]

Flawed research, bias, bogus tests, and more…


Review finds Wilyman Anti-vax PhD “Incomplete”, “Biased” and “Flawed”: In 2015 the University of Wollongong awarded a now notorious PhD for the anti-vaccine thesis “A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy”, which claimed to review biased science, and the … [Read more...]