Conspiracies, frauds, scams, and much more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

What does “anti-vaccine” really mean since the pandemic hit? Dr Gorski writes on how the meaning of the term “anti-vaccine” has changed since the pandemic. (Spoiler, it hasn’t changed much).

Many people dismiss the term “anti-vaccine” as mere reflexive labelling. … [Read more...]

Grapefruit, Amazon, New Zealand, and more…

FSM News and Articles

How the “Don’t take this medication with grapefruit juice” warning originated: “Grapefruit eater/drinker? Check your medications! Several dozen drugs have subsequently been shown to be potentially affected by grapefruit. David Bailey died last month at age 77. If you ever receive … [Read more...]

Bias, tanning, Ukraine, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Sex and racial bias in cardiac care: “In order for physicians to be advocates for their patients we need to confront these biases that can lead to worse medical outcomes for our patients. Systemic and societal issue are of … [Read more...]

Bias, warps, misfolds, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Evidence on acupuncture therapies is underused in clinical practice and health policy: “It has been shown repeatedly that acupuncture studies originating from China never show negative findings, strongly suggesting one or more sources of bias… Recently, the Beijing Municipal Science and … [Read more...]

Voodoo, enemas, influencers, and more…

FSM News and Articles

How Healy members lie & exploit with voodoo-science | Healy | Vulture Watch:  FSM recently consulted on Vulture Watch’s episode on Healy (the MLM company selling pseudoscientific bioresonance devices). You can watch the video below.

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

Organisation offering [Read more...]

Misinformation, non-essentials, pigs, and more…

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

The misinformation dilemma: “Social media now adds a new layer. First, it obliterates any remnants of an editorial filter. Literally anyone can communicate with a wide audience. The cranks on the corner are given a megaphone. Further, computer algorithms … [Read more...]

Avoidance, hidden cameras, disbelief, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Accused Perth nurse Christine Hartmann Benz and the anti-vaxxers trying to avoid mandatory vaccination: Ken McLeod is part of a collective of pro-vaccination advocates, Stop the Australian Anti-Vaccination Network, and believe cases like Ms Hartmann Benz show that regulatory authorities are … [Read more...]

Claims, coffers, protection, and more…

FSM News and Articles

Brisbane naturopath’s ‘outrageous, dangerous’ Covid vax claims: Alternative medicine practitioners continue to be disproportionately anti-vaccine, anti-basic-hygiene and at odds with public health.

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

The anti-vaccine movement supports Big Pharma: “It’s common knowledge that anti-vaxxers are dedicated … [Read more...]

Complaints, uselessness, rejuvenation, and more…

FSM News and Articles

TGA fails to protect against shonky weight-loss products: “It is ridiculous to have a system that doesn’t assess whether these products work or not, and relies purely on complaints.”

FSM Friends’ News and Articles

COVID-19 and children – more useless comparisons: [Read more...]